Daramend® Reagent was applied at pilot scale to approximately 100 tons of soil from the site, which was formerly used as a high explosives salvage and melt-out area from World War I through the 1920s.
Edison, New Jersey
Homogenized soil from the site contained approximately 600 mg/kg of TNT/DNT. The solution soil excavated from the site was placed and treated in an Engineered Biotreatment Cell (EBC) constructed in a small building on the former arsenal property.
The pilot was scheduled to run for about 75 days but the demonstration ended early due to the rapid rate of treatment. After 56 days, the demonstration ended since the concentration of TNT was reduced to <5 mg/kg and amino-DNT was reduced to <3 mg/kg, which achieved the proposed remedial goals for the site.
With a total treatment time of 3 months, the application of Daramend reagent reduced concentrations of PCE and TCE below the remedial standards at this site in the northwest USA.
Daramend® was applied first to a two-acre pilot project, and then to an additional 32 acres. The treatment successfully destroyed the concentrations of organochlorinated contaminants on time and on budget.
Daramend® reagent was the selected technology at a site for the treatment of 350 tons of soil impacted by phenoxy-acid herbicides (2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T), and other chlorinated pesticides (DDT, DDD, and DDE).
With nine years of data Daramend® addressed long-term mitigation of vapor pathway concerns over exposed areas containing concentrations of dissolved VOCs.
A 2,600-ton in situ pilot was conducted at a site in Florida using Daramend® Reagent achieving remedial goals within 3 weeks.