Daramend® reagent effectively reduced the concentrations of TNT, DNT and Tetryl during two separate pilot-scale demonstrations on contaminated soil. Daramend was also effectively applied during a full-scale (3,000 ton) demonstration of the technology at the same site on TNT impacted soil.
Joliet Army Ammunition Plant (JAAP)
First pilot-scale demonstration conducted by Plexus Environmental, under contract of US Army Environmental Center. Second and third pilot-scale demonstrations conducted by unknown consultants.
Wilmington, Illinois
TNT, Tetryl, 2,4-DNT, 2,6-DNT
In the first demonstration, Daramend® was applied to a 10-ton bioremediation cell that contained TNT impacted soil and to a 10-ton bioremediation cell that contained Tetryl impacted soil. In the second demonstration, Daramend was applied to two 150-ton windrows of soils impacted with Tetryl, TNT and DNT. In the third demonstration, two windrows containing 1,500 tons of TNT impacted soil each were treated using Daramend to demonstrate the technology, using the windrows at full-scale.
In the first demonstration, TNT concentrations were reduced from about 5,900 mg/kg to 114 mg/kg, and Tetryl concentrations were reduced from about 6,000 mg/kg to less than 20 mg/kg. In the second demonstration, Tetryl, TNT, and DNT concentrations were reduced from 314 mg/kg, 122 mg/kg, and 62 mg/kg, to 8.3 mg/kg, 2.1 mg/kg, and 2.1 mg/kg, respectively. In the third demonstration, Daramend® bioremediation was effectively applied at full-scale using windrow protocols.
With a total treatment time of 3 months, the application of Daramend reagent reduced concentrations of PCE and TCE below the remedial standards at this site in the northwest USA.
Daramend® was applied first to a two-acre pilot project, and then to an additional 32 acres. The treatment successfully destroyed the concentrations of organochlorinated contaminants on time and on budget.
Daramend® reagent was the selected technology at a site for the treatment of 350 tons of soil impacted by phenoxy-acid herbicides (2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T), and other chlorinated pesticides (DDT, DDD, and DDE).
With nine years of data Daramend® addressed long-term mitigation of vapor pathway concerns over exposed areas containing concentrations of dissolved VOCs.
A 2,600-ton in situ pilot was conducted at a site in Florida using Daramend® Reagent achieving remedial goals within 3 weeks.