Daramend® Reagent Used to Treat Soil Impacted by Chlorinated Pesticides

This project was designed to validate Daramend® applications on chlorinated pesticide impacted soil in Ontario, Canada.

Type of Site

Confidential Client


Ontario, Canada

Contaminants Treated



A treatment cell was divided into three separate areas, which included a 230-ton main treatment cell and two 10-ton treatment cells. One contained heavily impacted soil, and the other contained soil similar to the main treatment area for use as an untreated control. Daramend® reagent was applied to reduce the concentration of Metolachlor in the soil.


Following 10 months of active treatment, the mean concentration of Metolachlor was reduced to <1mg/kg in the main treatment cell and 11mg/kg in the heavily impacted treatment cell. Concentration remained unchanged in the control cell.