PermeOx® Plus Used for Remediation of Former Leaking UST

Successful treatment of petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater at the site of a former leaking underground storage tank using PermeOx®.

Contaminants Treated

Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene

Type of Site

Former underground storage tank leakage


Orin Remediation Technologies


BTEX compounds including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene were present in the site of a former leaking underground storage tank. PermeOx® was used to treat 41,200-square-foot plume of petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater. 


Three months following the injection, benzene concentrations were reduced from 1,400 μg/L to 1.8 μg/L in the highest impact soils within the plume. Down and side gradient groundwater also showed significant reduction. Overall, unsaturated contaminant levels were reduced from 2,900 μg/L to less than detection over a four-month period.